Following on from my bodice I had to make the other addition which was a pair of trousers which connected at the waist line. These trousers worked much better than the bodice as the design lines were easier sew together and weren't as fiddly. I found the invisible zip easier than I did in the first year as I sewed it in the side going from the armhole down to the hip line of the trousers joining both garments. I had to measure the waist of the bodice to fit the trousers waist line and amend the patterns. I also samples bias binding on the arm hole and then I will hem the bottom of the trouser leg by 1cm. To problem solve the shoulder as it was to small to fit over the mannequin so we had to adapt the jumpsuit to make it easy to get into. I added some poppers into the right shoulder seam and sampled hand stitch and machine and preferred the machine stitch as it secures the popper tape down the best. The bodice will be much better for the real garment as I have sampled the bodice twice to get the corners right so hopefully the jumpsuit should go to plan.

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