Exceptional experience
Lots of laughs
Genuine people
Innovative ideas
MoMu Museum
ANTWERPEN HERE WE COME: Monday 22nd Novemeber 2010 departure date to leave for Belgium. Family and friends had been to Brussels or Bruges but never Antwerp so I didn't know what to expect.I couldn't wait to explore the culture and adapt to their lifestyle but I knew there was a very long train journey ahead.
I arrived at Crewe station at the scheduled time of 10:30am and realised all the second years had packed very lightly whereas my suitcase was prepared for a lifetime holiday. Then Libby arrived and her sized suitcase defeated mine so I felt relieved that I wasn't the only one with a huge suitcase. I knew that this college trip would be able to allow people to bond and learn new things about each other whilst fulfilling the most eventful experience together as a family.
We boarded the Virgin train destinated to arrive at London Euston but there was some confusion about where to keep our suitcases safe which you could imagine for me I had to heave mine back and forth to finally place it somewhere temporary. Moreover, there was some confusion about the seats as the public passenegers had stolen our reserved seats, so me and Sophie had to find the nearest available seat to share the hour and a half journey with. We arrived at London Euston and then got a typical London bus (red doubledecker) to St Pancraas whereas the rest of the group had to walk but actually we arrived later than everybody else. How frustrating! We had to wait for about 1 hour and a half so we relaxed at a posh cafe bar and watched all the public passing by during rush hour.
Tuesday 23rd November 2010 - Fashion walk around the backstreets of Antwerp.
We took the tram and commuted to the centre of Antwerp in time for the fashion tour. We met a well educated women that knew the city like the back of her hand. We had some spare to time to assess and analyse degree students' work which were currently studying at the fashion college which appeared to be part of the museum. The standard of the designing and concepts within the garments was absoultuely mind blowing.The only word that described the work was WOW! All the constructed garments contrasted with individual stylistic qualities.
Throughout the tour we didn't have chance to visit all the shops in antwerp so the lecturers gave us the responsibility to explore independently so me and Kathryn went shopping and spent alot of money on typical Belgian clothes and food.
Wednesday 24th November 2010 - Stephen Jones exhibition.
We boarded the same tram as the day before and travelled to Momu museum which was in close distance from the tram station. We collected our tickets and entered the weird and wonderful exhibition. The hats were ordered chronologically starting with the first theme. All of the hats were based on a part of his life and were all significant to him in particular. Stephen Jones appealed to my first on Britain's next top model and it was surreal to see the same hats that had features in that series. The detail, colour and time that would have been spent on his creations must be manic. I learnt that his concepts never die out as he gains inspiration from personal events and thinks outside the box alot. One of his concepts interested me based on HOME and he exerted many different features of public services and his childhood to allow the audience to realate to his designs. There was also a video playing ina dark room which allowed me to learn more about him and understand the way he thinks and works.The impression I got was was he was a kind, genuine man that is proud of what he has acheieved in his career so far. It changed the way I think and changed my proseptive on designing which has helped me with this current unit on ideas and concepts.
Thursday 25th Novemeber 2010 - Travel back home, leave Antwerp
We vacated the hotel at 13:30pm and had to prepare for the long journey home. We had some time to fit in some last minute exploring to then travel home.
How I would some up Antwerp would be and independent adventure. I learnt about the belgian style and how it never dates or grows out of fashion and changed the way I think and not to judge on the first impression of what people wear because they have a meaning behind them to reflect their personality. I would definately visit again in the future as I have come away with a lot more knowledge of the culture and would recommend it to any age catorgory as it is suitable for anyone who loves fashion as much as I do.
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