My grandparents are friendly with an artist called GEOFF BEARD that specialises in acryllics on canvas and abstract art. I went to view his studio and observed his technical and painting skills in landscape and surface patterns. He persuaded me to view a range of artists work on the 16th October of collage, sculptures,ceramics and paitnings. The stimuli of many city scapes consisted of either manchester or venice but changed in texture, size and angle. Inspiration came from cubist artists of braque, picasso and gardening as he socially shared with me. Many paintings use mixed media of fabrics and paint to build on textures and layers.
Recently I entered a dance competition and thought it would be a good way to reconnect mood and atmosphere into inspiration of a dancer's imagination. Obviously this was me doing a solo 2 years ago but the same routine occurs with a mixture of supportive and critical feedback. Cheers, Cries, Laughs are all experienced throughout the day of a range of age catorgories and allows young children and adults to regain the emotions of: Happiness, Excitement and Hope. Loud Music sets a social atmosphere and the communication of others creates support and unity.
Pattern Cutting... 3 words that sum it up are: Hard Jampacked Chaotic Fortuntely out first day of this unit was relaxing but it was just the introduction. We studied the body measurements and the basics to pattern cutting and stenciled arount templates and made our very own quarter scale blocks fit for a barbie doll. We also researched into natural fibres and learnt that silk is the least flammable fibre. We porcessed a word document based on the elements of natural fibres. It was fun and different and I had learnt alot about notches and what a nape is that I didn't already know and it got me prepared for the next few sessions to come.
As we launched the new brief of UNIT 1 VISUAL RECORDING we started to experiment with a gris method to create accurate mark making and position the structure of the image in the correct format. My first attempt wasn't so impressive as I had to alter the mouth as it wasn't quite in the correct position of the 4x4 cm square. We scaled the image up in cm so i used 1x1cm and increased the scale factor to a 4x4cm grid enlarging it to make it easier to draw. As I started to get used to the process I had another attempt which is much more improved as it's more accurate and neater but it could do with a little bit more tonal range as white seeps through quite easily. Whereas, the first attempt has more tone and shading improvisation. After both of my black and white attempts I tested a watercolour media to produce a colour filled image with a vast amount of tone and depth.I prefer all the others due to it's finer finish and accurate placement.
One of my previous post was on the work of Robert Gober and the piece of art with the housepipe and realistic hand popping out named "saftey equipment" by Jamie Isenstein reminded me of his work. The artist could have been inspired some way through his domestic products combined with features of the human body. I wonder .....
Referring back also to one of my oldest posts about recyclable materials been reinforced into designers garments and the same with art as many displaced furniture and metal obstacles were moulded or just placed in a set design to create a masterpiece which i found very intrigueing.
I enjoyed the company of the museum as I gained inspiration from the little objects that you would never guess what they were supposed to portray unless you read and observed it carefully. Market research was more than an excuse to go shopping but to look at seasonal influences and looks for 2010 and to see them on the mannequins.