Friday, 9 July 2010

FOUR...Renewable Resources

Thierry Mulger - Metal metamorphism
Pain is beauty....

Yohji Yamamoto
Time Capsule
Want... Need.. Must...

Alexander McQueens Quirky Assortment of Disturbing collectibles..
Wheels ? Really... They started something.
We walk ....
All Aboard
Parcel Delivery?Airmail
Capture the moment
Look in those bins : You'll find usage
Junya Watanabe
Boys and their toys
Day and age>>> Circuits= originality
Decay will never grow old
Wooden Ornamentation



HUSSEIN CHALAYAN: Plastic Portrayer/ Wooden Wonder

Famous Bubble Dress Modelled by LADY GAGA

pleated personna

Metal Plastic Wood Paper Cardboard

Disposable resources can me altered into a prototype One Of A Kind... Magic !!
Specialists of structure using one biodegradeable materia>>>

Watashi no ai Issey Miyake

Ancient existence of his popular: MOULDED PLASTIC BUSTIER
"Weapons of seduction" classification
Hard body

Bodice shape
Naked Torso
Discover in his designs.... I think so
A Place of Origin

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

THREE... Natural Hair Colours

Hussein Chalayan places Lily Donaldson with fake ginger hair avoiding the real beauty of a RED HEAD!

It's only a colour! Different. What's the problem with it ?

Nicole Fox winner of cycle 13 Americas next top model flaunting her natural hair colour. Doesn't she look Great !
Inspiring models also equipped with such a unique quality.
Francais - Marjorie

Lily Cole:Models for high street and Runway and is part of agency:
Lily Cole... Words to sum up her work are... Defiant.Confident. Consistent
Her Flaming Locks stand out which appears to be her asset to a successful future.

Bring the Gingers Back !!

Following the extinction of ginger models the fashion industry has converted other hair colours: Blonde; Brunette;Dark Brown, Jet Black into an aubern shade. If lily Cole can do it why can't others ?

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

TWO...Fierce,Funky.Free eyes

Reveal them eyes. Expose your confidence. Be happy
Don't hide behind that mask!
Pale, Freckles,Dry, Oily, Olive skin all coated with thick layers of complementry beauty on the runway.
Hair and make up is essential for fashion shows as it portrays either:

  • Eerie atmosphere
  • Set a delicacy and romantic atmosphere
  • Quirky, figurations abbreviating facial features

Make up sets it's own trends like fashion.
Don't you think?
It needs to consist of colours used in the garment or it is a total disaster!
LESS is definately MORE in this case.

Fairytale ending.... adventure.ease.imagination
What a simple life.
Fake hair is controversial topic in normal everyday life but is easily accepted in the fashion lifestyle. Is this right or wrong? Judgment...

Be diferent...Make up hides faults in the skin: Acts as a protective barrier detecting insecurities. Captures movement/motion within the facial structure.
Random be yourself.

John Galliano = Legendary pioneer of fashion.
Manipulation of Distortion
As he quotes himself : "Curiosity: it's the most important thing"
Look. Smell.Taste
Smile With you eyes!
What path will you take ?

It's like a hidden mask. Identity.Character.

ONE... Independant Mind

Trends...Originality...Styles...Designers...Visionaries all sum up the word: FASHION !

There are many times when a woman would feel inferior to iconic fashionistas setting or wearing futuristic trends; but one problem they all minimise in size from eight downwards. Women ashamed of there full bodied figure: throughout births, development, altering to become in proportion.

Femininity is exaggerated with natural curves : apple, top heavy, hourglass, skittle, vase, lollipop or bell.Happy?

Why Should it matter of your: Race; Height; Size; Hair colour; Shape you should all be accepted. There is NOTHING wrong with you.

Trouble in present society:no identity
Clueless of their outer layer inflicting on their inner core.

If you are: Peitit, Tall, Skinny, Curvy emblemishing a love for promoting fashion alongside expressing yourself talk to Tyra. Tyra Banks - (Fashion icon) an admiration to all models; never embarrased with her curves .

Confidence. Look for centre stage. Whitney killing it. Size 14 Does she look ashamed? She doesn't show an insecurities does she ? Why can't you try the same thing. SMILE!

Cultures of: Black; Asian; White American and Russian all collabarting a intricate shot emphasising west indian influences of clothing.
Reminds me of london which reminds me the new episode of MATERIAL GIRL should come out soon
I ♥ Ali's Designs